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The paper evaluates the morpho-functional indicators of 31 wrestlers specializing in the national Turonian form, taking into account their weight categories. The functional state of the Turonists is assessed positively in terms of physical performance and maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) and MOC - minute volume of blood circulation. A promising group of adolescent wrestlers was identified, the functional state of which is characterized by high values of PWC-170 and indicators of BMD, IOC.. To study differences in physique, the total and partial sizes of wrestlers of various weight categories were assessed. In order to compose a general morphological picture of a wrestler - by the type of Turonian, as integrative anthropometric features, one can distinguish the length and weight of the body, the circumference of the chest, the length and girth of the lower leg and forearm, the length of the body, which are leading depending on the weight category of the wrestlers.
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