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Gafurova Nodira ravshanovna


From a young age, a person should respect someone's dignity, be able to play qinstead, and die sympathetic b. Therefore, younger students should teach thebasics of some accuracy toward each other. Diversity of child space opens up the only realistic opportunity for the success of the process of nurturing threeambitions when it is incorporated into the educational institution's general educational activities system. No matter how unique this process may be, no matter how unique its functions and content, factors and technologies are, it is incompatible with this system, experiences its own impact, and affects itself. Their common human and social background, general circumstances and conditions - the school.

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How to Cite
Gafurova Nodira ravshanovna. (2023). PROBLEMS OF NURTURING A CULTURE OF TOLERANCE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(5), 62–66. Retrieved from


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