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The research aims to, identify Values some al biomkinmatic variables to perform Scoring skill, and the development of corrective exercises using the tools ,, know the effect of the calendar exercises using the tools in some al biomkinmatic accuracy scoring basketball variables, the researchers used the experimental method is designed with one group Two measures (pre and post ) as one of the most appropriate approaches to achieve the objectives of the research has included research players youth electricity youth club basketball totaling 10 players as it has been excluded) 2) players because they used the left hand and the dimensions of (1) another player because he did not participate in Sister Bar therefore became a research sample E 4) players, then the researchers an experimental design was this design the introduction of the experimental factor (for some calendar using the tools exercises (then the researchers conducted a tribal selection of the sample using three machines and imaging to perform the skill transmitter which was to identify and diagnose errors through compared with the global model. in light of these mistakes the researchers put some exercises calendar using the tools and means of assistance and took the implementation of these exercises (8) weeks by 3 units per week, where swallowing total units exercises calendar (24) units and the roof of a time (28 0) minutes . After completing the application of the calendar exercises the researchers conducted a fermentation posttest taking into account the same conditions in which conducted the pre-test was the researchers used statistical methods the following: the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and the percentage and the coefficient of variation and the coefficient of simple correlation (Pearson) and the coefficient of self-honesty and t-test sample associated with using Statistical bag (spss)
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