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The social life of students with mental retardation is a system of motives deeply embedded in the human mind, which considers it obligatory to follow them in one's behavior. The process of formation of faith is long and complicated. These arise during the acquisition of spiritual culture and social practice by a person, and appear when the knowledge he receives is confirmed or rejected in life experience. The formation of social life is one of the aspects of the process of moral education of a person in the family, school, work and social activities. As a result of a violation of mental capacity, a person's inability to master speech, and therefore being isolated from members of society, creates a number of problems for him to find his place in social life. These are due to various interdependent reasons, in this regard L.S. Vygotsky: "Social education leads to underdevelopment of speech, underdevelopment of speech leads to isolation from the community (collective), and separation from the community (collective) in turn, it inhibits the development of social life," he says.
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