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Sokieva Barchinoy Botirovna
Mengyasharova. S
Babayeva. M


Mathematics has been identified as one of the priority areas for the development of science in our country in 2020. Over the past period, a number of systemic works have been carried out aimed at raising mathematics to a qualitatively new level in the field of education in the Republic of Uzbekistan.The rapid economization of society that is currently taking place during the transition to market relations has changed the range of applications of mathematics. The rapid development of investment and mathematical modeling of modern market relations, the activities of firms, etc., required the involvement of specialists in a new area for our country - in the field of mathematics.The school as a social institution, of course, cannot remain aloof from the problems arising in the formation of a new economic structure of Russian society, which requires a qualitative increase in general economic literacy, and each school graduate achieves a certain level of economic culture.Our schoolchildren, among other things, are bombarded daily by a huge stream of various economic concepts and constructions, the adequate understanding and practical interpretation of which is practically inaccessible to the absolute majority of the population.

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How to Cite
Sokieva Barchinoy Botirovna, Mengyasharova. S, Babayeva. M, & Ziyakulov.I. (2021). MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF ECONOMY IN THE SCHOOL COURSE OF MATHEMATICS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(10), 734–745. Retrieved from


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