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Narzullaev Olim Khomamatovich
Madaminov Dilshadbek Imidjanovich


In recent decades, with the emergence of problems associated with consistent decrease in non-renewable energy sources, such as hydrocarbons, the term “hydrogen energy” is being increasingly used in mass media, economics, politics, and science. The analysis of numerous articles on this subject, however, shows that the authors of these publications often mean several programs that differ from each other when using this term. The article provides a comparative analysis of national strategies for the development of hydrogen energy in countries that seek to play the main roles in the emerging market for the production, storage and транспортation of hydrogen, as well as secure a legal support for hydrogen energy, which is also releваnt at this moment in the context of the emergence of a new energy industry. It discusses the main positions of strategic documents in the field of hydrogen energy in such countries as Japan, South Korea, the EU (in particular, Germany) and Russia. This article states that the plans of countries in the field of the development of hydrogen energy within a short period took the form of strategic programs, which cannot be said about the processes of formation of national regulatory frameworks governing the use of hydrogen, which are developing very slowly impeding the general process of implementation of hydrogen technologies in ваrious industries.

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How to Cite
Narzullaev Olim Khomamatovich, & Madaminov Dilshadbek Imidjanovich. (2022). HYDROGEN ENERGY DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(12), 2012–2020. Retrieved from https://giirj.com/index.php/giirj/article/view/4258


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