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Gulchekhra Tulaganova
Nargizakhon Rakhimjonova
Saidmurod Nasrullaev


This article describes the concept and forms of money laundering, crimes of money laundering in the Republic of Uzbekistan, their social risk, differences between money laundering and the classification of system and criteria of these crimes, the liability for money laundering and the fight against these type of crimes. Also, the study of the criminological description of the crime of money laundering, the analysis of international legal norms in the fight against money laundering as a subject of study in international and national law, as well as methods of combating money laundering and their prevention is to study the peculiarities of foreign experience in the practice of acquisition. At the same time, proposals were made to improve national legislation by analyzing the benefits of criminal activity, the content of the International Convention for the Suppression of Crimes, the way of practice and legislation of foreign countries and its advantages. The decisions of the FATF in ensuring cooperation between states in combating money laundering and the development of international standards, the recommendations of which reflect the international program to combat money laundering by individuals and legal entities using the capabilities of the financial system. In other words, the practical significance of the implementation of the FATF recommendations in the fight against money laundering schemes, laundering of proceeds from real criminal activities. Based on the recommendations of the FATF, opportunities for rapid response to crimes in this area have been provided.

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How to Cite
Gulchekhra Tulaganova, Nargizakhon Rakhimjonova, & Saidmurod Nasrullaev. (2021). LIABILITY FOR MONEY LAUNDERING AND CLASSIFYING THESE TYPE OF CRIMES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(10), 676–684. Retrieved from


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