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This article promotes the idea of continuous teaching of programming and robotics. From a young age of 5-6, the idea of implementing robotics exercises in Lego Mindstorms, further complicating them in further education, and practically integrating computer programs that move a real robot or machine into C++, C#, Python programming language, or the use of ready-made applications has been developed. In conjunction with organizing the entry of a teacher into the programming world by teaching robotics, it serves to provide insight into the basics of its programming and to improve programming skills. Robotics, which is taught in additional education, in turn strengthens knowledge of programming. And their continuous training together is also consistent with the implementation of the concept of "teaching a person all his life."
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Gulshod Nazikhovna, Y., Nargiza Sadriddin kyzy, Z., I Shahlo Ibrohimjon kyzy, A. (2022). Withthe creation of the platform using the methods of HTML, CSS AND JAVA SCRIPT and the strengthening of learning with the helpofthis STEAM. Conference, 5 (5), 17-38. Derived from 2. Nazikhovna G. Yu. Strengthening the Integrated SYSTEM OF STEAM Technologies in the Environment of Information Technologies and Computer Programs // Texas Engineering and Technology Journal. – 2022. – v. 7. – pp. 43-52. 3. Nazikhovna G. Y. PROGRAMMING AND ROBOTICS BASED ON STEAM LEARNING // American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development. – 2022. – v. 2. – p. 58-87. ... 4. Tuychiev A. T. CONDUCTING DEBATES FOR IMPROVING THE SPOKEN SPEECH OF STUDENTS IN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE THROUGH WEBINARS AND ONLINE CONFERENCES PhD, Yunusova Gulshada Nazikhovna // LBC 94.3 T-2. p. 29. 5. Yunusova, G.N., Informatics, information technologies and automated computer-interactive program / G.N. Yunusova. — Text : immediate // Molodoi nauchenii. — 2015. — № 2 (82). — URL: (date of access: 03.08.2022). Volume: 0.18 a.l. 6. Yunusova G. N. et al. THREE PLATFORMS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN CONTINUOUS STEAM EDUCATION // O'ZBEKISTONDA FANLARARO INNOVATSIYALAR VA ILMIY TADQIQOTLAR JURNALI. – 2022. – T. 1. – №. 11. – S. 12-22. 7. Yunusova, G. N. Virtual training in visualized statistical physics / G. N. Yunusova. — Text : immediate // Molodoi scientist. — 2018. — No 42 (228). — URL: (date of access: 03.08.2022). 8. Yunusova, G. N. Computer-interactive and individual-group training of subjects by creating an automated computer program / G. N. Yunusova. — Text : direct // Molodoi sudechenii. — 2013. — No 12 (59). 9. G.N.Yunusova ., CREATION AND APPLICATION OF THREE EDUCATIONAL PLATFORMS IN THE PROCESS OF STRENGTHENING STEAM LEARNING. ,International Conference on Advance Research in Humanities, Sciences and Education Hosted from Sydney, Australia., URL: August 15th 2022, -P. 117-131. 10. Yunusova Gulshod Nazikhovna I Abdullayeva Shakhlo Ibrohimjon kyzy. (2022). Mnemonics, Information Technologies and ProgramMatic Teaching Methodology "English + Mathematics + Informatics" (Steam Education). Conferencea, 444-450. Retrieved from (accessed 11/13/2022).
Gulshod Nazikhovna, Y., Nargiza Sadriddin kyzy, Z., I Shahlo Ibrohimjon kyzy, A. (2022). Withthe creation of the platform using the methods of HTML, CSS AND JAVA SCRIPT and the strengthening of learning with the helpofthis STEAM. Conference, 5 (5), 17-38. Derived from 2. Nazikhovna G. Yu. Strengthening the Integrated SYSTEM OF STEAM Technologies in the Environment of Information Technologies and Computer Programs // Texas Engineering and Technology Journal. – 2022. – v. 7. – pp. 43-52. 3. Nazikhovna G. Y. PROGRAMMING AND ROBOTICS BASED ON STEAM LEARNING // American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development. – 2022. – v. 2. – p. 58-87. ... 4. Tuychiev A. T. CONDUCTING DEBATES FOR IMPROVING THE SPOKEN SPEECH OF STUDENTS IN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE THROUGH WEBINARS AND ONLINE CONFERENCES PhD, Yunusova Gulshada Nazikhovna // LBC 94.3 T-2. p. 29. 5. Yunusova, G.N., Informatics, information technologies and automated computer-interactive program / G.N. Yunusova. — Text : immediate // Molodoi nauchenii. — 2015. — № 2 (82). — URL: (date of access: 03.08.2022). Volume: 0.18 a.l. 6. Yunusova G. N. et al. THREE PLATFORMS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN CONTINUOUS STEAM EDUCATION // O'ZBEKISTONDA FANLARARO INNOVATSIYALAR VA ILMIY TADQIQOTLAR JURNALI. – 2022. – T. 1. – №. 11. – S. 12-22. 7. Yunusova, G. N. Virtual training in visualized statistical physics / G. N. Yunusova. — Text : immediate // Molodoi scientist. — 2018. — No 42 (228). — URL: (date of access: 03.08.2022). 8. Yunusova, G. N. Computer-interactive and individual-group training of subjects by creating an automated computer program / G. N. Yunusova. — Text : direct // Molodoi sudechenii. — 2013. — No 12 (59). 9. G.N.Yunusova ., CREATION AND APPLICATION OF THREE EDUCATIONAL PLATFORMS IN THE PROCESS OF STRENGTHENING STEAM LEARNING. ,International Conference on Advance Research in Humanities, Sciences and Education Hosted from Sydney, Australia., URL: August 15th 2022, -P. 117-131. 10. Yunusova Gulshod Nazikhovna I Abdullayeva Shakhlo Ibrohimjon kyzy. (2022). Mnemonics, Information Technologies and ProgramMatic Teaching Methodology "English + Mathematics + Informatics" (Steam Education). Conferencea, 444-450. Retrieved from (accessed 11/13/2022).
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