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Ikramov Shovkat Rustamovich
Safiyev Timur Shamilevich


The main reason for the variation of climatic conditions on Earth are astronomical and natural-geographical factors.  They change very slowly under the influence of events or processes on earth that are either completely unrelated or mainly endogenous.  The largest differences in these factors (e.g., between tropical and temperate latitudes, between continents and oceans) result in a general circulation of the atmosphere in a planetary system of air currents.  These currents transfer heat and moisture from one part of the globe to another, creating heat and moisture exchange across different vertical layers of the atmosphere, creating or preventing the formation of clouds and precipitation, the atmosphere  significantly alters the interaction between and the active layer.  Everywhere, depending on the air currents, the air will be cooler or warmer, with more rainy air currents rising upwards, or more dry and warm air currents coming down from the top.  The different distribution of heat in the world's oceans and the formation of sea currents due to atmospheric circulation also play an important role in shaping the climate.  Currents in different parts of the ocean form either an abnormally hot or anomalous cold active layer, thereby influencing atmospheric circulation and directly forming a climate over the sea.

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How to Cite
Ikramov Shovkat Rustamovich, & Safiyev Timur Shamilevich. (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF NATURAL CLIMATIC FACTORS IN THE DESIGN OF HOTELS IN TOURIST AREAS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 1141–1143. Retrieved from


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