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Komiljon Kodirov Raximovich
Axmadjonov Oydinxon Soyibjon daughter
Xayitgul Kubaevna Kodirov


Today, a radical change in the appearance of secondary schools of the country, their material-technical base of the national program to strengthen the fact that the execution of the result. This with along, the school of education and development aimed at the event in the republic of the sciences of olympic all stages organized without transfer and improvement, readers, each of our talents, to science , which is the interests, abilities, modern technical means to use get and independent thinking is the process of combination, readers of science in the olympic successful involved in that to ensure work is of great importance it has. For this reason, academic lyceums, specialized in mathematics and science state  issues through the inclusion of subjects such as olympic withdrawals to the programs of secondary schools for talented pupils to increase interest in mathematics and science, and participating in science olympiad, which will help you take off example and told me about the issues [1-3].

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How to Cite
Komiljon Kodirov Raximovich, Axmadjonov Oydinxon Soyibjon daughter, & Xayitgul Kubaevna Kodirov. (2022). SOME METHODS OF TAKE OFF MUCH OF THE ISSUES OF THE OLYMPICS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 1242–1244. Retrieved from


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