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Abduvokhobov Shohrukh Kholmomin ugli


The article examines the need and factors, goals, objectives and problems of using the GR-management mechanism in the development of the state, society and business at the present stage of liberalization and modernization of the economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The advantages and features of the effective use of the GR-management mechanism for the development of the state, society and business in the prospects for the country's socio-economic development have been scientifically substantiated. The possibilities of effective use of the GRmanagement mechanism in the corporate governance system of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been studied and recommendations have been developed.

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How to Cite
Abduvokhobov Shohrukh Kholmomin ugli. (2022). FUNDAMENTALS OF USING THE GR-MANAGEMENT MECHANISMS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 786–797. Retrieved from


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