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Турсунова Одинахон Азимжановна


In this article we introduce the phonopoetics, the small progressive layer of linguopoetics. The article gives the opinions about the phonetic peculiarities of the speech, emotional — expressive function of artistic literature and phonopoetics means of poems. Every linguopoetics analyzes demand to pay attention to the figure and meaning relation. Because, in the bottom of artistic texts form there is lead the meaning. The upper meaning and low meaning are retold. In the result the assimilation of the figure and meaning of artistic text are created.

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How to Cite
Турсунова Одинахон Азимжановна. (2022). АНАЛИЗ ФОНОПОЭТИЧЕСКИХ СРЕДСТВ. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(10), 225–229. Retrieved from https://giirj.com/index.php/giirj/article/view/2832


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