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Tursunova Dilnura Akram kizi
Saidmurodov Mahmudali Suratzoda
Anvarova Rukhshona Azamovna
Khaydarova Dilorom Safoevna


Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that develops when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (this is a hormone that regulates blood sugar or glucose) or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it has produced. Diabetic ketoacidotic coma is a formidable complication of diabetes mellitus, a consequence of absolute or relative insulin insufficiency and a sharp decrease in glucose utilization by body tissues. In many cases, it develops in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by a severe labile course. The active cleavage and incorporation of free fatty acids into the metabolism leads to the formation of ketone bodies. Their synthesis increases to 1000 mmol per day, which significantly exceeds the ability of the kidneys to remove ketones in the urine. [5].

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How to Cite
Tursunova Dilnura Akram kizi, Saidmurodov Mahmudali Suratzoda, Anvarova Rukhshona Azamovna, & Khaydarova Dilorom Safoevna. (2022). TOPICAL ISSUES OF DIABETIC KETOACIDOTIC COMA. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(8), 127–130. Retrieved from


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