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Ruzaliev Bekhzodjon Avazjonovich


Studying what the word "religion" is, which is an integral basis of human history and human life, its origin and what it means, has an important place in its full coverage. Religion is a belief system that includes the concept of a holy book, a prophet, God, and a set of moral rules that must be followed and performed in connection with it. It is a system of general rules and principles that regulate interpersonal relationships based on beliefs and moral norms, encourage each individual to be good, encourage them to do good deeds, and ensure that they live in peace and harmony. Man has lived and worked with different religious beliefs and different religious views. Due to social events in different periods of human history, change of regimes, specific influence of various civilizations and other reasons, some of the dictionary meanings of the term religion have gained actual importance, and all attention and attention is focused on that meaning.

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How to Cite
Ruzaliev Bekhzodjon Avazjonovich. (2022). WHAT IS RELIGION?. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(7), 52–54. Retrieved from https://giirj.com/index.php/giirj/article/view/2582


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