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Sanayev Mirsanjar


Oripov entered Uzbek poetry as the ambassador of a new breeze that started in the former Soviet society in the 60s of the last century. Starting with his first poems, he worked on the path to the establishment of a new poetic thought in national poetry; new views that began to appear in marriage, changes in the spiritual world of people, the need for freedom of thought and behavior determined the ideological content of Oripov's poems. Noma is one of the types of works written as a poetic letter, widespread in Eastern literature. Originally, the written names were in the form of a love letter written by a lover to a lover, and later they began to be used on various topics. Abdulla Oripov, "Navoi" of modern Uzbek poetry, also took this direction by using the name of a lover in the form of a ghazal and showed another side of the classical literary style.

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How to Cite
Sanayev Mirsanjar. (2022). REVIEW OF THE GHAZAL "NOMA" BY ABDULLA ORIPOV. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(7), 137–140. Retrieved from


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