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Dr. Sumit Kumar Gupta
Nitesh Kumar
Pradeep Kumar
Rajesh Kumar


Reflective teaching, which has gained the status of an integral element of teacher pedagogy, is still an elusive concept, probably because it is merely attainable when teachers are provided with opportunities for building professional knowledge and for showing reflective teaching practices. The present study aimed the effectiveness of reflective practices in the development of student teachers. The study examines how the teacher educator created opportunities for student teachers to develop their reflective practices during their practice teaching sessions developing book reading skills by key words, key concepts, comprehension activities, worksheets, online learning process, vigorous evaluation system enhancing further learning and value based, comprehension activities, encouraging individual and group presentations, attracting them to do some research work beyond the syllabus and inviting them to participate in drama, dance, games-sports and other extra-curricular activities. 

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How to Cite
Dr. Sumit Kumar Gupta, Nitesh Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, & Rajesh Kumar. (2022). TEACHER AS A REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 926–930. Retrieved from https://giirj.com/index.php/giirj/article/view/1166


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