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The article presents some of the author's considerations on the participation of the norms of individual institutions of criminal law in the qualification of crimes of administrative prejudice. The author also notes that according to the theory of national criminal law, the requirement that the act subject to criminal prosecution be committed after the imposition of an administrative penalty is considered a necessary sign of the objective side of the composition of this crime. However, some scientists argue that in some norms of criminal law, the reflection of administrative prejudice does not fully comply with the principles of humanity and justice, the repeated commission of an administrative offense during the year does not increase both the qualitative indicator of the crime and the level of public danger, the consequences of responsibility should also be stopped after bringing a person to criminal responsibility, therefore, scientific study the issue of qualification of the composition of crimes of administrative prejudice is of urgent importance. The norms of some institutions of criminal law occupy a special place in the qualification of crimes of administrative prejudice. This is manifested in the fact that the criminal law operates in time, complicity, joint application of the norms defining responsibility for several crimes, with the qualification of acts that have administrative priority. In particular, the author paid special attention to the use of the institution of complicity, the fact that crimes of administrative prejudice provided for by the Code are not committed by any entity, the objective side of such crimes is that they should be committed only by a person who has the status of a person subject to administrative punishment, as well as the organizer and other accomplices who have not previously been brought to administrative responsibility for committing exactly the same violation, are not subject to criminal liability for crimes of administrative prejudice.
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