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Umurzakova Rokhila Zokirovna


The prevalence of IDA in young children, according to WHO, ranges from 17.5 to 30%. The causes of iron deficiency in children are quite diverse. The effectiveness of ferrotherapy is an integral indicator of two components - the actual therapeutic effectiveness in stopping the anemic syndrome and the tolerance of a particular ferropreparation by patients. 55 sick children with IDA of 1-2 degrees aged from 1 to 3 years were examined. The main group took ferrum-lek in grape juice (FGJ) as monotherapy, the control group ferrum-lek in the form of syrup, without adding juice. The effectiveness of FGJ was confirmed by the fact that already on the 15-20th day of treatment there was a certain regression of clinical symptoms and positive shifts in the morphofunction of the erythrocyte system of sick children. The obtained results allow us to recommend FGJ as an effective and safe herbal preparation for the treatment and prevention of IDA in children over 1 year old, and the bioavailability and bioavailability of FGJ are significantly higher than that of iron preparations when taken orally.

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How to Cite
Umurzakova Rokhila Zokirovna. (2024). IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN CHILDREN AND ITS TREATMENT. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(8), 178–180. Retrieved from


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