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Tleumuratov A. K.
Sitirzayev S. T.
Normaxmatov O. Z.


In this article, the productivity of wool and the morphology of wool of single-humped camels, depending on their age, gender, yield of pure wool, the tone of down fibers, were studied and a conditional calculation of the cost of shorn wool and the selling price of produced camel wool was made.

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How to Cite
Tleumuratov A. K., Sitirzayev S. T., & Normaxmatov O. Z. (2024). WOOL PRODUCTIVITY AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF SINGLE-HUMPED CAMELS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(3), 172–174. Retrieved from https://giirj.com/index.php/giirj/article/view/6553


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