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Mahmoud Fadel Marza
Marwa Hassan Al-Shammari
Qasim Ali Omran


This research sought to determine the level of the reliability of both strategic improvisation and technological vigilance in the College of Science, University of Basra, in addition to determining the extent of the differences inferred from the answers of the sample members. The research community consisted of (112) teaching staff working in the College of Science/University of Basra. The research relied on the descriptive analytical method, and field data was collected through a questionnaire that was built and developed to measure the research objectives and test hypotheses, which consisted of two parts; the first part represented the strategic improvisation, and the second part contained the dimensions of technological vigilance. The (SPSS) program was used in the analysis of statistical data using the package program for social sciences, and the descriptive statistical methods were utilized to describe the research data as well as the statistical inferential method was employed to measure the objectives of the research and test its hypotheses.

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Mahmoud Fadel Marza, Marwa Hassan Al-Shammari, & Qasim Ali Omran. (2024). DESIGNING AN APPROACH TO STRATEGIC IMPROVISATION AND ITS ROLE IN TECHNOLOGICAL AWAKENING EVENTS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY AT THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE - UNIVERSITY OF BASRA. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(3), 240–256. Retrieved from


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