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Khayitova Feruza Abdikhalikovna


This article provides information on toponyms related to tribe names, and researches the naming of toponyms mainly in English and Uzbek languages. The historical and geographical information of toponyms, which play a role in the nominative process, was compared on the example of both languages, and it was proved that the names of tribe occupy a historical and socio-cultural main place in the English and Uzbek languages. There are two basic ways to conduct toponymic research — one concentrating on the etymology, meaning, and origin of toponyms, and one focusing on the toponyms of a region and examining patterns of these names. Usually, this distinction is not explicitly recognized. This paper considers the differences between the two approaches and proposes guidelines for their use.

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How to Cite
Khayitova Feruza Abdikhalikovna. (2024). TOPONYMS ASSOCIATED WITH TRIBAL NAMES IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(3), 331–338. Retrieved from



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