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Elena Andronova


Nowadays teaching English is based on the communicative approach that is supposed to develop students’ communicative language competence. Therefore, in English language teaching methodologists strive to find the best communicative methods and techniques to teach students effectively. At universities it is essential to teach English for specific purposes to develop not only language competence, but also the profession-oriented one. For instance, the students of psychology department need to study English for psychologists. It is vivid that ESP involves studying profession-oriented topics. Accordingly, teaching is based on the ESP texts for a certain profession, and as a result, special attention is paid to the development of reading skills, being an integral part of the personal growth and development of each person. Having good reading skills in a foreign language, a specialist becomes competent in any field of activity that interests him or her, he/she has an opportunity to read, understand and use the information in a foreign language. Consequently, it is so necessary to pay special attention to the skill of reading texts when learning any language.

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How to Cite
Elena Andronova. (2024). MAIN COMMUNICATIVE METHODS AND TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHING ESP READING. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(3), 446–449. Retrieved from


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