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Yeong-Jeu Sun
Sheng-Chieh Chen
Ting-Chia Chang
Wei-Chun Liao
Sheng-Wei Huang
Yu-Chi Ho


This paper aims at a class of uncertain 5D laser dynamic systems, seeking a linear controller that is cheap and easy to produce in hardware, so that the entire system can achieve stability. Using differential and integral inequalities combined with control theory, a linear controller guaranteed to achieve global exponential stability will be derived. Besides, the guaranteed exponential convergence rate will be estimated. Finally, multiple numerical simulation results are provided to illustrate the correctness of the main theorem of this article and the design process of the linear controller.

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How to Cite
Yeong-Jeu Sun, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Ting-Chia Chang, Wei-Chun Liao, Sheng-Wei Huang, & Yu-Chi Ho. (2024). ROBUST CONTROL DESIGN FOR A CLASS OF UNCERTAIN FIFTH-ORDER LASER SYSTEMS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(3), 502–511. Retrieved from


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