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Mamajanova Svetlana Valentinovna
Lyubimova Elena Mikhailovna


The article discusses the importance of using educational robotics to develop technical thinking among students. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of educational robotics as a tool for developing key skills required in the modern world of technology. The study identified the basic principles and methods of teaching using robotics, and also assessed the skills and level of technical thinking among students. The results showed the positive impact of robotics on the development of creativity, logical thinking and the ability to solve complex technical problems.

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How to Cite
Mamajanova Svetlana Valentinovna, & Lyubimova Elena Mikhailovna. (2024). FORMATION OF TECHNICAL THINKING OF STUDENTS BY MEANS OF EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(3), 623–627. Retrieved from


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