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Norkulov Olim Nasimovich


This article discusses the socio-philosophical aspects of the concept of migration, where the environment is important in the migration of people from one region to another, and discovered as an object of research. It reflects the issues related to the development of the moral culture of each migrant, the impact of values on the human mind in their new location. Today, the flow of migrants has increased in all countries of the world, and their influence is effective in the renewal of society. People's activities as migrants are directly related to various reasons, and it is important for them to master the moral norms of the country they have moved to, to form a lifestyle specific to national and universal values. Because harmonizing different cultures in social life, adapting to the traditions of different nations in one's work is also necessary for a migrant's philosophical outlook. These aspects are philosophically analyzed in a modern way in this article, and the manifestation of views related to migration in moral culture is scientifically revealed.

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How to Cite
Norkulov Olim Nasimovich. (2024). THE ROLE OF MIGRATION IN HUMAN MORAL AND LEGAL CULTURE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(2), 28–33. Retrieved from


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