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Abdurashidov Shakhriyor Mashrabjon ugli
Muhammadiyev Akbar Rakhim ugli
Berdimurodov Sanjar Abdurasul ugli


The design and parameters of the non-working sides of the quarry must meet the requirements of stability and placement of the necessary platforms on them. A decrease in the angle of inclination of the side by 2-3° at the time of quarry closure leads to a significant increase in the volumes of overburden removed and the costs of field development. An excessive angle of inclination of the side compared to the angle of the stable slope can cause landslides and rock collapses. The selection of the optimal contours of the quarry is very important when mining mineral deposits, since the volume of industrial reserves of minerals and the volume of overburden in the quarry, which determine the productivity and life of the quarry, depend on them.

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Abdurashidov Shakhriyor Mashrabjon ugli, Muhammadiyev Akbar Rakhim ugli, & Berdimurodov Sanjar Abdurasul ugli. (2023). STUDY OF THE QUARRY SIDE SCOPE AND ROCK MASS COEFFICIENT FOR MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING . Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(9), 78–85. Retrieved from


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