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Kholmurodova Guzal Ruzievna
Tangirova Gulchekhra Nasridinovna


The article presents the results of the number of pods per plant and the weight of seeds per plant in F2-F3 plants obtained on the basis of varieties introduced from Korea. The highest results in terms of the number of pods per plant were among the introduced variety samples in the variety sample SN30(-969), F2-F3 SN27(-266) x SN30(-969) and F2SN28(-268) x SN30(-969) combinations, one plant it was highlighted that among the parent forms, the seed weight in the plant was obtained in the SN7(-014) cultivar sample, and in the F2KO18 x SN30(-969) combinations.

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How to Cite
Kholmurodova Guzal Ruzievna, & Tangirova Gulchekhra Nasridinovna. (2023). VARIABILITY OF YIELD ELEMENTS IN F2-F3 PLANTS OBTAINED AS A RESULT OF PAIR HYBRIDS OF SOY. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(9), 57–64. Retrieved from


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