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Dilshodov A. D.
Sobirov A. A.


Diabetes mellitus, due to its high prevalence and severe medical and social consequences, is one of the urgent problems of modern medicine. Type 2 diabetes gives the character of a global epidemic to diabetes, which, according to WHO data for 2010, affects 285 million people worldwide. The costs of treatment of diabetes and its complications in the developed countries of the world account for 10-15% of the total health budget. The most dangerous consequences of the global epidemic of diabetes are its systemic vascular complications, which are the main cause of disability and mortality of patients with this pathology. Taking into account the continuous increase in the incidence of DM, as well as an increase in the life expectancy of these patients, a significant increase in kidney damage in this pathology is predicted. Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by significant structural rearrangements of the kidney and is a life-threatening, constantly progressive complication of diabetes.

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Dilshodov A. D., & Sobirov A. A. (2023). COMPLEX ULTRASOUND EXAMINATION IN THE CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS OF NEPHROANGIOPATHIES IN LATENT DIABETES TYPE 2. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(9), 102–107. Retrieved from


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