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In this article, some clothing lexemes of the period in Navoi's works have been studied and explained with examples. Defining the vocabulary of clothes in the dictionary of Navoi's works allows us get an idea of the history, changes, lexical richness of our language, the way of life and culture of the Uzbek people in the XV century. The history of the names of their own layers of clothing found in Navoi's works goes back to ancient written sources. Such as coat, burka, shirt, nose, otuk (boots), is found in ancient and old Turkic language monuments. Many of these lexemes are used in modern Turkic languages, including Uzbek, with some phonetic and semantic changes.The article examines some of the clothing names used by Navoi in lexical-semantic and etymological terms, comparing them with the ancient and old Turkic languages, as well as modern Turkic languages, including modern Uzbek.
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