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Raheliarivolosoa Saholitiana
Andrianarimana Omer
Rakotoson S Olivia


Education is the fundamental pillar of development. It is one of the instruments for combating poverty and all forms of social inequalities on the one hand and for promoting economic growth on the other. The situation in Madagascar still requires a lot of effort from both a quality and quantity point of view. As in many developing countries, geographic inequalities constitute a major problem. The rural area is so disadvantaged in terms of quality of education. However, nearly 80% of the Malagasy population lives in these areas. This research proposes to provide local solutions to help them access quality education as much as urban areas. The main objective is to analyze the importance of the contextual environment of students in the educational performance of public schools. In rural areas, conditions weigh heavily. Which implies in the first hypothesis of this research that the precarious standard of living of students limits their academic performance. In general, their social situation hampers their intellectual capacity. The second hypothesis assumes that educational supervision complements the effectiveness of the school establishment. These problems could be resolved by strengthening educational supervision at the level of the schools themselves. It is their duty to offer students comprehensive educational offerings that meet the conditions for their success. To undertake this research, a visit to the Antananarivo Atsimondrano School District was carried out in 2021 and a sample of 100 students from the high schools of Andoharanofotsy, Ampitatafika, Alatsinainy Ambazaha and Ampanefy were surveyed. These surveys were then supplemented by interviews with the 10 principals in CiSco. The data collected is processed using the Excel tool in the form of tables and graphs. The analyzes showed that the family status of students, their mode of accommodation, the professions of the parents, the material resources at home and the insufficiency of support outside of school enormously affect their academic results. Furthermore, it is also proven that the level of students remains average due to insufficient educational support aimed at filling their gaps. A student-centered organization and teaching methods optimize the educational services of schools. This strategy involves both administration teams and teachers.

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How to Cite
Raheliarivolosoa Saholitiana, Andrianarimana Omer, & Rakotoson S Olivia. (2023). A STUDENT-CENTRED PEDAGOGICAL ORGANISATION THAT GUARANTEES THE EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF SCHOOLS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(9), 339–355. Retrieved from https://giirj.com/index.php/giirj/article/view/5566


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