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The role of the tourism industry in the economic and social life of the whole world is incomparable. its importance and role on the world scale is growing year by year. As stated in the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis in 2020: "turning tourism into a strategic sector of the economy remains a priority for us. 6.7 million foreign tourists came to Uzbekistan in 2019 and visitor exports reached 1.550 billion US dollars as a result of the introduction of visa-free regime with 86 countries and simplification of visa regime with 57 countries and implementation of institutional reforms in order to rapidly improve the tourism sector. In recent years, especially in 2016-2019, presidential decrees, laws and government decisions aimed at improving and further developing the regulatory legal framework of this sector have been adopted and implemented. According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), "the number of international tourists was 25 million in 1950, 278 million in 1980, 528 million in 1995, and 1 billion 400 million in 2017, and this indicator is predicted to reach 1 billion 800 million by 2030."
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