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Berdikulova Shaxnoza Ruzikulovna


Conjunction, object, auxiliary words, parts of speech and morphology There are several conjunctions in the English and Uzbek languages and, as we know, they are used to link complex sentences one of which depend on the other in some ways. But they are not always understood as they are by the Uzbek learners of English. Because the English and Uzbek conjunctions have their own frequent meanings and rare meanings that are forgotten by the learners as well. That’s because some English conjunctions such as but, or, as have some confusing meanings for the native Uzbek speaking students. For example the conjunction but is explained as a word that is «used to connect two statements or phrases when the second one adds something different or seems surprising after the first one» [2]: He came in, but he didn’t even said hello. - U kirib keldi-yu, lekin hattoki salomlashmadi ham. «Is he interested in computers». «No, but he has to work on them at his work». - «U kompyuterlarga qiziqadimi?» «Yo’q, lekin ishida kompyuterlarda ishlashiga to’g’ri keladi.» They know English well, but they don’t know any French. - Ular Ingliz tilini yaxshi bilishadi, lekin Fransuz tilini umuman bilishmaydi. In the sentences given above but can sometimes be replaced with though which means shunday bo’lsada, garchi in Uzbek. In this case the order of some words in the sentence or some features of the sentence change their places and forms, but the meaning is kept as before: «Is he interested in computers». «No, he has to work on them at his work though.» - «U kompyuterlarga qiziqadimi?» «Yo’q, shunday bo’lsada ishida u kompyuterlarda ishlashiga to’g’ri keladi.»

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How to Cite
Berdikulova Shaxnoza Ruzikulovna. (2023). DIFFERENCES OF CONJUNCTIONS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(3), 378–379. Retrieved from https://giirj.com/index.php/giirj/article/view/4777


M. G‘apporov, R. Qosimova. Ingliz tili grammatikasi. Akademik litseylar va kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun o‘quv qo’llanma. - TOSHKENT, «TURON-IQBOL», 2010. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5. Electronic version.