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Tozhiev Panzhi Zhovlievich
Turaev Khayit Khudainazarovich
Nuraliyev Gayrat Turaevich
Djalilov Abdulakhat Turapovich


At present, many scientific results are being achieved in our country on the use of local mineral fillers in the field of composite materials production. To obtain a composite material based on PVC, the content of fillers was changed from 1 mass to 5 mass parts. An assessment of the rheological properties of filled composites showed that with an increase in the basalt content, the fluidity of the compositions decreases, however, the resulting compositions can be processed by injection molding. The data obtained show that the optimal compositions are those containing: 5 wt.h. basalt fillers. The developed materials were studied for flammability by the oxygen index method, and thermophysical properties by the DTGA method.

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Tozhiev Panzhi Zhovlievich, Turaev Khayit Khudainazarovich, Nuraliyev Gayrat Turaevich, & Djalilov Abdulakhat Turapovich. (2022). COMPOSITE POLYMERIC MATERIALS OF LOWER FLAMMABILITY BASED ON POLYVINYL CHLORIDE AND BASALT. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(9), 64–70. Retrieved from


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